The cover-up of Federal Crimes committed against an Ohio child.
Exposing the planned kidnapping of Lilliana©, organized behind the closed doors of the Lake County Juvenile Court.
Exposing the planned kidnapping of Lilliana©, organized behind the closed doors of the Lake County Juvenile Court.
Case Number 2014CV02160
On 08/03/2015 there was an unlawful custody trial held at the Lake County Juvenile Court in Painesville, OH. No One was there to represent Lilly.
The judge, Karen Lawson along with attorney/judge Paul Malchesky, magistrate Janette Bell and the court clerks "knowingly" "willingly" and "maliciously" violated Due Process Laws and purposely did NOT serve notice of the trial to Lilly's father, who had custody of his child since birth.
They all, also "knowingly" failed to serve notice of the trial to Lilly's grandmother who was assisting Lilly's father in raising Lilly since her birth, and for the past year she had Lilly living in her home, due to the late hours he worked. Unfortunately, Lilly's mother has not been a part of her life, nor seen her since she was 16 month's old.
This court knew that it had no subject matter jurisdiction, yet they still acted as if they did. This court had NO jurisdiction then and no jurisdiction now.
On 08/03/2015 magistrate Janette Bell, with no legal authority to do so, signed a bogus custody order, allegedly giving legal custody of Lilly to a documented abuser and his wife who was infertile, could not have her own child, and wanted Lilly.
On 08/25/2015 judge Karen Lawson signed off on the bogus custody order.
When we found out this had happened and "alleged" legal custody of Lilly was taken from us, Lilly's father filed to terminate the bogus custody order and explained that we were never served notice of the trial.
Judge Karen Lawson did not care! She continued this FEDERAL CRIME against Lilly and her family!
No one with a duty to investigate this crime is doing anything. They are all turning a blind eye to this well organized crime because the brother of those who "allegedly" have legal custody, is a Special Prosecutor for the Attorney General of the State of Ohio.
Even the Ohio FBI who has a DUTY to investigate Title 18 Crimes committed by those acting UNDER COLOR OF LAW, has refused to investigate, stating that they see no crime has been committed. Even though the crime is spelled out right in their report of our complaint to them. The FBI stated that Lilly's father and Lilly's grandmother who had residential custody of Lilly, had not been served notice of the trial and Judge Karen Lawson allowed the custody trial to proceed
gave legal custody away. But of course they're protecting their peers, instead of this innocent child.
Lilly has been severely abused at the hands of those who Judge Karen Lawson unlawfully gave custody to. Police and others with a duty to investigate, have run sham investigations and done NOTHING but protect the abuser, who is the brother of the Ohio State Special Prosecutor, one of their peers.
Lilly's father has filed motion after motion in that corrupt court and produced several photos of the horrific abuse to his daughter Lilly. Judge Lawson has dismissed each and every motion filed and has completely ignored the abuse to this child.
The abusers who have custody think that now because they're more careful with leaving marks on Lilly and because they buy her pony's and take her to Disney and show her off to the public looking just fine, that everyone thinks Lilly is OK.
Lilly has to ACT like she is OK at all times because she has been punished and abused every time she cried and told others of how they have hurt her. Lilly has learned to keep her mouth shut and to smile no matter what OR ELSE.
Lilly's father is only allowed to see HIS CHILD Lilly on Wednesdays and only for 3 hours, according to the unlawful custody order.
We are ALL horrified at what is happening here and everyone with any common sense should be as well.
If a custody trial for a child can happen without the parent being notified and the person who has the child living in their home being notified of the trial, and legal custody given to someone else, it could happen to you and your child as well.
These are FEDERAL CRIMES and we DEMAND Lilly's return as well as a Full Investigation of all those involved in this well ORGANIZED CRIME against this innocent child.
Everything stated here, is verified by documented evidence. Documented evidence that is being ignored by those with a DUTY to protect children and those with a DUTY to investigate FEDERAL CRIMES, whether or not those crimes are committed by persons wearing black robes or by their peers.
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